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- Crystal Care | Magiccrystaltree
Crystal care Ever wondered how to care for your crystals? Ever questioned where to position them to prevent damage? Have you ever considered if they can be washed? Then this is the page for you! Below will be plenty of information for you to check out and learn how to really care for your crystals, big and small, hardy and fragile! Crystal Durability The scale we use to measure the hardness of a crystal is known as the Mohs scale, this scale can help indicate how to store a crystal, how likely a crystal is to damage based on various items and can help determine a crystal's ability to withstand water. The lower the number the crystal is rated at on the scale the more delicate and damage-prone the crystal would be. Examples from the scale are a diamond at a rating of 10, whilst Quartz scores a 7 and respectively calcite scores a much lower 3. The scale also indicates which crystals could damage others, We can work this out by comparing where each crystal fits into the scale. Simply put a diamond can damage anything lower than a 10, quartz can damage anything lower than a 7 and calcite anything lower than a 3. This pattern is true for any and all minerals and crystals that the scale applies to. I sometimes refer to the scale when considering what pieces of crystal jewellery I can wear together such as chip bracelets and also when deciding how to store my crystals and what can be stored together. Crystals and the Sun Where to store crystals can be vital if you want to sustain the vibrancy of colour and quality of the crystal. Some crystals simply do not like direct sunlight for prolonged periods, some crystals when left in the heat for prolonged periods can become brittle and crack, whilst others are not affected. Although the sun can be a great way to cleanse crystals, there are many more safer ways to do so. Opaque crystals such as obsidian (with some exceptions) are usually safe in direct sunlight while more translucent ones such as quartz are not and can lose colour after around 4 hours of exposure. When leaving crystals in windows we don't need to consider as much the UV rays, but we should consider the possibility of fires, if a crystal focuses the heat from the sun on an item that is flammable it is entirely possible that your crystal could cause a disaster! For this reason, I don't like to leave crystals such as selenite, Quartz or any translucent shapes, especially spheres in my windows. Some sun-safe crystals include but are not limited to Moonstone, Black obsidian, Lapis, Jade and Sunstone. Some Crystals that should not be left in the sun for prolonged periods include but are not limited to Sapphire, Opal, Flourite, Calcite, Citrine and Amethyst. Crystals and Water Whilst water is another popular way to cleanse your crystals it can be very damaging to some, there are various reasons it can damage them that vary per crystal but mostly all are due to the way they are formed and from what materials. With this being said, any tumbled stones are water safe, this is because they are already polished and have been in water for prolonged periods during the tumbling process. However uncut, raw and other forms of crystals may not be for prolonged periods. Usually, if you want to give them a quick rinse this is fairly safe. Crystals are formed from various materials and it is these materials that make them intolerable to water. This is especially vital for ones that are formed with iron as one of their materials. Crystals containing iron can rust if exposed to water or moisture for prolonged periods and are not thouroughly dried after wards. It is also said that any crystal that scores lower than a 5 on the Mohs scale (discussed above) should NOT soak in water for a prolonged time. Some of the crystals you should not expose to water for more than a quick rinse include but are not limited to Dolomite, Howlite, Bloodstone, Jet, Aquamarine and Moonstone
- Birthstones | Magiccrystaltree
Birthstones Each Month of the year has its own birthstone and some even have multiple. Over time the stones have changed all whilst remaining similar to those before. On this Page, we will mention all the stones associated with each month but will only go into the details of the most modern and up-to-date, as there is a separate page for the meanings of all stones and their uses. The Months and their stones January Garnet Garnet is thought to keep the wearer safe during travel and is also the crystal of faith and fidelity. February Amethyst Amethyst is thought to give the wearer courage and strengthen relationships. Amethyst is the crystal of temperance and deep love March Aquamarine (Bloodstone) Aquamarine is thought to cure the heart, liver and stomach of diseases and is the stone of happiness and tranquillity. April Diamond (White topaz) Diamond is the crystal of everlasting love, and was once believed to bring courage May Emerald (Chrysoprase) Emerald has long been associated with love, fertility and Rebirth. This is the stone of Joy and Vitality. June Pearl (Alexandrite, Moonstone) Pearl is a symbol of Purity and Also sincerity. July Ruby (Carnelian) Ruby is believed to protect the wearer from evil and is the stone of passionate love. August Peridot (Spinel, Sardonyx, Green amethyst) Peridot symbolizes strength. When set in gold it is said to protect the wearer from nightmares and is the stone of creative expression September Sapphire (Lapis) Sapphire symbolizes wisdom and purity it was once thought to guard against evil and poisoning. The stone of lovalty. October Opal (Tourmaline, Rose quartz) Opal symbolizes confidence and faithfulness, Necklaces with an opal set in used to be worn to repel evil and protect eyesight. The stone of gentleness and compassion. November Topaz (Citrine, Tiger eye, Smokey quartz) Topaz is said to symbolize affection and love. The stone is believed to give the wearer intellect and strength. The crystal of self confidence and kindness December Turquoise (Tanzanite, Blue zicon, Blue topaz) Turquoise rings are said to keep away evil spirits and are a symbol of good fortune and success. The stone of peace and calmness.
- Gift Card | Magiccrystaltree
eGift Card £25 You can't go wrong with a gift card. Choose an amount and write a personalized message to make this gift your own. ... Read more Amount £25 £50 £100 £150 £200 Other amount Quantity Buy Now
- Cleansing your Crystals | Magiccrystaltree
Cleansing your Crystals Crystals can be cleansed in many different ways and doing so has many benefits for both the owner and the crystals. Crystals provide energy but they also can store and collect energy although not proven by science this is a popular belief amongst the crystal community. Working with crystals is a popular method despite there being no evidence to support it, many people believe in the different properties of crystals such as healing and protection amongst others. Running Water Believed to neutralise any stored negative energy within your crystal, water is believed to return this energy back to the Earth. Although water that is naturally running such as a stream, is said to be best many people opt to use their household water supply to cleanse. Caution should be taken when using water as your preferred method of cleansing. Many crystals can become damaged and weakened by water, this is due to the materials that form crystals and their individual properties. There are many crystals that are water safe and the common practice is to submerge them completely for optimal results. The easiest way to ensure your crystals are water safe is to refer to the MOHS scale. It is suggested that any crystal scoring less than 6 on this scale should not be cleansed using water or exposed to water. Once your cleanse is complete pat dry your crystals! Salt Water Saltwater cleansing is another method believed to be beneficial in the crystal community. Believed to banish negativity and absorb undesirable energy salt has been used throughout history in many metaphysical ways. collecting fresh salt water from the sea is a highly recommended approach, if possible. Making your own salt water is also said to be beneficial this can be done by combining regular water with sea salt or even rock salt. The same cautions apply here as they do with running water cleansing regarding water safe materials. Salt cleansing is said to work best when your crystals are left submerged for a period of time similar to the running water method. After completing your saltwater cleanse ensuring you rinse and pat dry your crystals is essential! Natural Light Both Sunlight and Moonlight can be used to cleanse crystals. Also referred to as ritual cleansing many people follow the lunar or solar cycles to perform this method, this is not essential however and is down to personal preference. Crystals can be set out at any time to cleanse or charge in natural light. Many people set their crystals out at night time and aim to bring them in before the sun is at its strongest the next day usually around 10-11 am. This method allows crystals to bathe in both Moonlight and Sunlight. Caution is also advised when using this cleansing. Certain crystals can become damaged by prolonged exposure to the sun, this can create crystals colouration fading, weakening of the crystal and more. Many people say that placing your crystals directly onto the earth whilst using this method can provide further cleansing for your crystals, but be wary of the public and wildlife in the surrounding area. After this method of cleansing if placed on the earth ensure you give your crystals a brief rinse to remove any unwanted debris - always remember to pat dry after rinsing. Sage Sage is believed to be a plant which possesses a wide range of healing properties, due to this Sage is considered sacred. When using Sage for cleansing it is believed to restore natural energy to the crystals, as well as expelling inharmonious vibrations. Sage cleansing should be done with a bowl, loose or bundled sage and a form of ignition such as matches or a lights Sage cleansing, also known an smudging should be done outdoors where possible or in a well ventialted room with an open window. The smudging involves lighting the sage and moving your crystals in your hand with a firm grip through the smoke produced. The smoke should be allowed to engulf the crystal for around 30-60 seconds. This method of cleansing is safe for all crystals.
- Magic VIP Club | Magiccrystaltree
Magic VIP Club Earn points and turn them into rewards Become a Member 01 Sign Up Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program 02 Earn Points Purchase a product Get 1 Sparkles for every £1 spent Sign up to the site Get 20 Sparkles 03 Redeem Rewards 10% off all store products 250 Sparkles = 10% off for all store products Free Shipping 200 Sparkles = Free Shipping when ordering for £50 or more for all items
- Crystal information | Magiccrystaltree
Crystal Information Our information pages have been carefully crafted to provide you with the best information, suggestions, and recommendations from throughout the crystal community and beyond. Click here for birthstone information Click here for crystal care information Click here for cleansing information Click here for charging information
- Charging your crystals | Magiccrystaltree
Charging your Crystals There are many different ways to charge your crystals, they each have different qualities, duration and reasons. Crystals are charged for various different reasons which differ depending on the crystal and the owner. It is important to bear in mind that not all methods are suitable for all crystals and we talk more in-depth about this on our crystal care page which can be found Here Lets have a look at the different methods, and their benefits! Natural Light Using moonlight or sunlight is a popular choice for cleansing your crystals. Light when penetrating your crystal is said to fill it with positive energy, you can accomplish this by placing them in a spot with direct light. Caution should be taken as direct ligth for prolonged periods can damage crystals in various ways such as weakening them and causing colouring to fade. When charging under the sun people suggest this is for action or passion whilst under the moonlight is said to be for reflection and healing. It is believed that the moon provides feminine energy and the sun provides masculine energy. Using the Earth Some people opt for another natural approach, in this method you bury your crystals in the earth / soil or surround them with plants. Members of the crystal community are of the belief that this natural method of returning crystals to the earth will in turn fill them with earth energy. Natural Light Using moonlight or sunlight is a popular choice for cleansing your crystals. Light when penetrating your crystal is said to fill it with positive energy, you can accomplish this by placing them in a spot with direct light. Caution should be taken as direct ligth for prolonged periods can damage crystals in various ways such as weakening them and causing colouring to fade. When charging under the sun people suggest this is for action or passion whilst under the moonlight is said to be for reflection and healing. It is believed that the moon provides feminine energy and the sun provides masculine energy. Using the Earth Some people opt for another natural approach, in this method you bury your crystals in the earth / soil or surround them with plants. Members of the crystal community are of the belief that this natural method of returning crystals to the earth will in turn fill them with earth energy.
- About | Magiccrystaltree
About Magic Crystal Tree Magic Crystal Tree is a small family-run business that originated from a love of crystals and semiprecious stones. What started as a collection soon became an ambition and passion to provide a service and Metaphysical products to a larger community. Why Choose Us Friendly advice Messaging for advice is completely free and actualy encouraged! Products You Can Trust All our crystals unless stated as manmade are genuine natural crystals we dont believe in selling synthetic! Secure Purchases All our checkout processes are completely secure and protected, as is your information! Simple & Easy Shopping Experience Our website aims to be as user friendly and easy as possible for you, if you have any suggestions for improvement or need assistance please let us know. Shop Now
- Magic Crystal Tree: Online Metaphysical Store
Our Mission Our mission is to provide and educate about Crystals. These natural beauties have various effects, from looks to providing health and lifestyle benefits, read more on our product and information pages and feel free to message us with any questions or suggestions. MCT Team Shop Now Popular Buys We don’t have any products to show here right now. Shop All Next day dispatch during the week Dispatched within 24 hours if ordered by 3pm Mon-Fri Local collection available Local collection is available Scheduled Delivery There will be a number of delivery options available during the checkout process.
- Shipping & Returns | Magiccrystaltree
Shipping & Returns Shipping Info We do our best to ensure that all orders placed before 3pm Monday-Friday are dispatched within 48 hours, however, if for any reason this is not possible you will be contacted by a member of our team. We try to reuse any packaging we have from various companies and from our own deliveries to help preserve our planet! - some items may arrive in packaging with different branding for this reason Orders placed on a Saturday and Sunday or public holiday will usually be dispatched on the next working day. Shipping Policy We always try to ensure we keep shipping costs to a minimum, due to the nature of our products orders have a tendency to be on the heavier side. We will endeavour to update our shipping options and expand where we can to provide a more suited shopping experience whilst keeping costs as low as we can. Return & Exchange Policy Although every care and precaution is taken during our packaging process to ensure your items arrive to you in perfect condition crystals can be extremely fragile. If your crystals or any part of your order, unfortunately, arrives broken or damaged from the shipping process don't hesitate to get in touch with us within 5 days of delivery for us to resolve the situation.